
Three top tips for project teams working from home

Written by Q2 | 7 Apr, 2020

Singapore-based Q2 Cloud Lending Solution Architect Olivier De Man shares some vital tips for keeping the momentum up and keeping activity churning while working remotely. Located thousands of miles from Cloud Lending’s operations in Bangalore, London, and Cloud Lending’s San Mateo and Austin main offices Olivier is well versed in the art of working remotely. As FIs move into remote working models, his experience may prove valuable insights as many FI staff find themselves working from home.

It’s an unpredictable time for business, but it doesn’t have to be a time of unpreparedness. As the COVID-19 pandemic is propelling us into a “new normal,” businesses need to adapt to keep moving ahead. Some companies and individuals already are adapting well and others are looking for tips and strategies to keep business pushing forward.

While working in Singapore over the last year, I have developed effective processes for staying motivated, close to the Cloud Lending team, and on top of projects. I hope my experience is useful to those seeking some help.

Here are some of my top tips:

1. Daily and regular communication

Daily virtual stand-ups can be critical for success; if you can’t meet daily, I recommend meeting at least three times per week. Without these fixed opportunities to meet with stakeholders, it becomes alarmingly easy for things to get out of sync. These check-ins provide a dedicated time for sharing updates, talking through issues, discussing requirements, and highlighting project statuses. In these uncertain times, they can also be an excellent opportunity to reassure the team and our customers that business is progressing normally. Many of our projects are implemented offshore, with resources spread across different locations. Our clients know this and therefore feel confident that COVID-19 will not affect their project. We remain on track to deliver our market-leading digital borrower and lessee experiences that make a significant impact on our clients’ businesses in light of reduced physical interaction.

2. Be flexible to change

Be available for ad hoc meetings and responsive to urgent messages. I work to make sure that anyone can reach me quickly via phone or instant messenger, whether it’s for a requirements discussion, systems training, or to trouble-shoot queries. For me, this commitment to being available also provides an effective way to stay connected and integrated with the broader team. Remote work can become a lonely experience for even the most independent professional, and I’ve found the opportunity for regular conversations with different people has become critically important.

3. Use the right tools for the job

Having the right equipment and tools in place is essential for remote productivity. For me, a good headset and a reliable internet connection are invaluable tools. Because Cloud Lending is a SaaS company and hosted on Salesforce, we can access the system from anywhere at any time and 100% of projects can be delivered remotely. This ability is crucial for success; nobody needs to be in the office for development tasks or production support. Our team has become accustomed to contributing and accomplishing tasks in this remote mode of working.

It’s also important to leverage the latest tools for communicating with team members. It’s hard to imagine working without the ability to facilitate team meetings and video calls via Zoom. Make sure your communications choice can be accessed from any device and is easy to use so that all your co-workers—even those nervous around new technology—can put it to work.

These tips have helped not only me but the Cloud Lending team remain productive and communicative with customers. I believe they will also help FIs serve their account holders and borrowers efficiently and effectively—now and in the future.